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DC Office of Zoning
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Filing an Appeal

Interactive Zoning Information System


Home > Initiating/Managing a BZA case > Appeal

AppealsForm 125

Instructions for Form 125 - Appeal

Appeal Requirements: 

Any appeal that is not completed in accordance with the following instructions shall not be accepted.

  1. All appeals shall be made pursuant to this form. If additional space is necessary, use separate sheets of 8½" x 11" paper to complete the form (drawings and plans may be no larger than 11" x 17").
  2. Form 125 must be filed electronically using the Interactive Zoning Information System (IZIS)
  3. At the time of filing this appeal, the Appellant shall pay a filing fee in accordance with the BZA Schedule of Fees – Subtitle Y, Chapter 16. (Check or money order is payable to the “DC Treasurer” or credit/debit card payments are acceptable.)
  4. Below is a list of all the documents that must be submitted in PDF format at the time you file your appeal. Please have these documents ready for uploading before you start your appeal.
    • The name of the administrative official or public agency whose decision is the subject of the zoning appeal;
    • A statement identifying the administrative decision appealed, by permit or certificate number, or other identifying information, together with a copy of the decision;
    • The square(s) and lot(s) and/or street address of the property involved, and the zone district within which it is located;
    • The name and address of the owner, lessee, operator, and/or contract purchaser of the property that is the subject of the appeal, if not the appellant;
    • A statement demonstrating that the zoning appeal meets the jurisdictional requirement of timeliness, as specified in Subtitle Y § 302.2, which shall specifically indicate:
      • The circumstances under which such notice or knowledge occurred;
      • The date upon which the appellant first had notice or knowledge of the decision being appealed; and
    • A statement of the issues on appeal, identifying the relevant subsection(s) for each issue of the Zoning Regulations:
      • For an appeal brought by an officer or department of the government of the District of Columbia or the federal government the statement shall explain how they are affected by the administrative decision; and
      • For all other appeals, the statement shall explain how the appellant is aggrieved;
    • A statement of the issues on appeal, identifying the relevant subsection(s) for each issue of the Zoning Regulations;
    • All statements, information, briefs, reports (including reports and statements of experts and other witnesses), plans, photographs, or other exhibits that the appellant may wish to offer in evidence at the public hearing;
    • A copy of the resume of any expert witness who will be testifying in the case;
    • A written summary of the testimony of all witnesses; and
    •  If a map, plan, or other document is readily available to the general public, in lieu of filing a copy of the document, the appellant need only provide a complete citation to the source of the document and indicate where the public may view the document.

The appeal will not be accepted for processing unless accompanied by a certificate of service demonstrating that a copy of the zoning appeal and all accompanying documents have been served upon:

  1. The person whose administrative decision is the subject of the appeal;
  2. The owner, of the property involved in the administrative decision, if not the appellant; and
  3. The affected ANC, if not the appellant.

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