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DC Office of Zoning
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Interactive Zoning Information System


Home > Participating in an Existing Case > Motions/Requests



A motion is a request by a party or parties for the Commission to take an action. Unless made during a hearing, all motions must be in writing. The first page of every motion must contain the party’s name, the case number, and the name of the presiding officer, if known. Every motion should state the legal and factual reasons for the motion and the action requested of the Commission. 

At the time of filing any motion, a party must serve all other parties. Unless otherwise provided by these rules or ordered by the presiding officer, all parties shall have seven days from date of service of the motion to file and serve a response. 

The presiding officer may decide any procedural motion including but not limited to, motions to continue without holding a hearing. 

A Form 150 can be filed directly through IZIS or by downloading the form and submitting it through IZIS, by e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected], or by mail to 441 4th Street Ste. 200-S, NW, Washington, DC 20001. 

Click here for Form 150 - Motion Forms


A request is functionally similar to a motion. While motions are filed by parties, requests are filed by those who are not parties. 

If you are not a party to a case and you want the ZC or BZA to accept an untimely filing or to reopen the record, then you would submit a request for them to consider. For example:

  1. A party status request filed within 13 days of hearing; or
  2. A request to reopen a closed record to accept a document.

A request to accept an untimely filing will be entertained by the ZC or BZA at a meeting or as a preliminary matter at a hearing. At that time, a decision will be rendered. Please note, in the case of a request to reopen the record, pursuant to Subtitle Y § 602.1 and Subtitle Z § 602.1, the request will be presented to the Presiding Officer for consideration. The request must demonstrate good cause and the lack of prejudice to any party. If granted, the materials shall be entered into the record.

A Form 153 can be filed directly through IZIS or by downloading the form and submitting it through IZIS, by e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected], or by mail to 441 4th Street Ste. 200-S, NW, Washington, DC 20001. 

Click here Form 153 - Request to Accept an Untimely Filing or to Reopen the Record

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