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DC Office of Zoning
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DC Register Zoning Roundup - 3/30/2018

Friday, March 30, 2018

Register Roundup

Board of Zoning Adjustment Public Hearing Notice

Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 9:30 a.m.

BZA Case #19633A - Application of VI 3629 T Street LLC

BZA Case #19739 - Application of Ben Safran and Margot Locker

BZA Case #19740 - Application of Francisca Vigaud-Walsh

BZA Case #19745 - Application of Fort Totten South LLC

BZA Case #19746 - Application of DC Super Pack LLC

Public Hearing Notice

Zoning Commission Notice of Proposed Rulemakings

ZC Case #17-17 - Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8A - Zoning Map Amendment @ Square 5564, Lot 812 from PDR-1 and RA-2

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

ZC Case #17-20 - Office of Planning - Text Amendments to Subtitles B, H, K, and U regarding the Daytime Care Use Category to address the need to establish and expand Child Development Centers

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

Board of Zoning Adjustment Orders

BZA Case #19149 - Application of Romi Satoh - Order

BZA Case #19485 - Appeal of the Chain Bridge Road Preservation Committee - Order

BZA Case #19571 - Application of Carl and Hallie Smith - Order

BZA Case #19587 - Application of ACE Case Express, Inc - Order

Zoning Commission Orders

ZC Case #16-26 - Wisconsin Owner LLC - Order

ZC Case #17-10 - The Warrenton Group - Order