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DC Office of Zoning
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DC Register Zoning Roundup - 6/22/2018

Friday, June 22, 2018

Register Roundup

Zoning Commission Notice of Public Hearing

ZC Case #04-33I - Office of Planning - Text Amendment to Subtitle C, Chapter 10, Inclusionary Zoning, and Corresponding Text Amendments to Subtitles D, E, F, G, H, and K

Public Hearig Notice

Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaking and Order

ZC Case #17-27 - Spring Flats MD, LLC - Map Amendment - Square 2902 Lot 807 and 804 

Notice of Final Rulemaking

Board of Zoning Adjustment Orders

BZA Case #19581 - Application of Latin American Montessori Bilingual Public Charter School - 5000 14th St NW- Order

BZA Case #19621-A - Application of Richard Hilton - 2318 California St NW - Order

BZA Case #19736-A - Application of Mi Casa Inc - 1928 15th St NW - Order

BZA Case #19736-B - Application of Mi Casa Inc - 1928 15th St NW - Order

BZA Case #19746 - Application of DC Super Pack, LLC - 1371 - 1375 H St NE - Order

BZA Case #19756 - Application of Kathryn Bristow - 2632 10th St NE - Order

Zoning Commission Order

ZC Case #17-26 - MIRV Holdings, LLC - Parcel 121/31 - Order