(WASHINGTON, DC) - Mayor Vincent C. Gray today joined DC Councilmembers, DC Office of Cable Television (OCT) Executive Director Eric E. Richardson and Department of General Services (DGS) Director Brian Hanlon for a ribbon cutting ceremony in honor of OCT's relocation. The new facility is known as the Brentwood Broadcast Center and will function as the agency's headquarters and operation center for the District's educational and governmental television stations - District of Columbia Network (DCN), District Council Channel (DCC) and District Knowledge Network (DKN).
"I have worked in close partnership with Director Richardson and his outstanding team since I was Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia. OCT has grown over the years and was at the point where it needed a permanent space to build the necessary technology structure," said Mayor Gray. "This facility exemplifies the District's ongoing commitment to enhancing the quality of public, education and government programming."
Located in Ward 5, the new headquarters is a 30,525 sq-ft, LEED certified, fully modernized, digital facility equipped with two television production studios; high definition technology; eight editing suites; administrative offices and a community meeting space.
"The new facility will play a vital part in increasing our efforts to emphasize and cultivate our reputation as the District's award-winning, go-to source for government, education and lifestyle programming," said OCT Executive Director Eric E. Richardson. "The residents will continue to have OCT as a cable regulator and reliable content partner for years to come."
The production facility, formerly a vacant studio owned by Black Entertainment Television (BET), was purchased by the District government from BET in 2010 and is now a District government owned property. The facility's design and renovation process was implemented by the District of Columbia's Department of General Services (DGS).
"The Department of General Services was pleased to be a partner on this project, as we were able to transform an old building into a vibrant facility that plays a critical part in the transformation in how residents view and engage their government," said Brian J. Hanlon, DGS Director.
The Brentwood Broadcast Center is located at 1899 9th Street, NE.
About the Department of General Services
The mission of the Department of General Services (DGS) is to elevate the quality of life for the District with superior construction, first-rate maintenance and expert real estate management. By building and maintaining safe and green state-of-the-art facilities which foster economic growth and elevate educational environments, our trusted and skillful employees create modern and vibrant communities across all of the District of Columbia.
About the Office of Cable Television
The DC Office of Cable Television (OCT) is the District Government Agency responsible for regulating cable television in the District, as well as the administration of the District's Government Access Channels DCC, DCN and the District's Education Access Channel DKN. OCT creates content that informs, educates and entertains viewers via the District of Columbia's public, educational and government (PEG) channels and other forms of content outlets. The award winning content provides resourceful information on government activity, education, current events, history and arts and entertainment. Through its three cable television channels, OCT provides public access to the governmental process, and insights into life in the District.
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