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DC Office of Zoning
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Register Roundup - 01/20/2023

Friday, January 20, 2023

Register Roundup, weekly update on zoning matters published in the DC Register

ZC Orders

Case (Link) Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 05-28AA Lano Parcel 12, LLC (Two-Year Time Extension for PUD @ Square 5055, Lot 26) Notice of Filing
Case No. 05-28AB Lano Parcel 12, LLC (Modification of Consequence of First-Stage PUD @ Square 5055, Lot 26) Notice of Filing
Case No. 08-07K Four Points Development, LLC (Two-Year Time Extension for PUD @ Square 5785, Lot 839 and Part of Lot 906) Notice of Filing
Case No. 08-07L Four Points Development, LLC (Two-Year Time Extension for PUD @ Square 5783, Lot 829 (Building 6); Square 5772, Lot 1019 (Building 7); and Square 5772, Lots 827, 829, 984, 1020, and 1017 (Building 8)) Notice of Filing
Case No. 22-17 Wisco Wally, LLC (Zoning Map Amendment @ Square 1913, portions of Lots 20 and 27) Notice of Filing
Case No. 22-26 Ward 8 Randle Heights/Fairlawn Residents (Text Amendment to Subtitle B, Definition of Public School) - Dismissal Order Notice of Filing

ZC Public Hearings

Case (Link) Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 22-29 JT EB Land Fund, LP – Consolidated Planned Unit Development & Related Map Amendment @ 1250 U Street, N.W. (Square 274, Lots 57-61, 133, 138, 804-820, and a portion of a public alley to be closed) Notice of Filing
Case No. 22-39 BD Parcel 2, LLC – Design Review of Buildings and Structures in the NHR Zone @ 633 Howard Road, S.E. [Square 5861, Lot 991] Notice of Filing