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DC Office of Zoning
Welcome to the Office of Zoning

Register Roundup - 03/08/2024

Friday, March 8, 2024

Register Roundup, a weekly update on zoning matters published in the DC Register

BZA Orders

Case Link Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 21050 Praveen Ramalingham - (ANC 3C) Notice of Filing
Case No. 21051 P.T. Blooms, LLC - (ANC 1C) Notice of Filing
Case No. 21052 Michael Morris - (ANC 7D) Notice of Filing
Case No. 20564 Jemal’s Prospects, LLC - (ANC 2E) Notice of Filing
Case No. 20636 Penguin, LLC - (ANC 3D) Notice of Filing
Case No. 20946 4885 MacArthur Boulevard, LLC - (ANC 3D) Notice of Filing
Case No. 21038 District, Inc - (ANC 7C) Notice of Filing
Case No. 21048 Zachary and Amy Faden - (ANC 4D) Notice of Filing

ZC Notice of Public Hearing

Case Link Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 06-11Z/06-12Z THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY – Campus Plan Amendment, Modification of First-Stage Planned Unit Development, Second-Stage Planned Unit Development, and Modification of Further Processing Approval @ Square 57, Lot 56 Notice of Filing
Case No. 23-25 Office of Planning – Zoning Text & Map Amendment to Create the Chevy Chase Neighborhood Mixed Use Zones Notice of Filing

BZA Notice of Public Hearing

Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 - (Virtual Hearing via WebEx) Notice of Filing
Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - (Virtual Hearing via WebEx) Notice of Filing

ZC Orders

Case Link Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 23-06 Blue Ridge 1515 9th Street, LLC (Zoning Map Amendment @ Square 397, Lot 30 (1515 9th Street, N.W.) Notice of Filing
Case No. 23-18 CUBED PARTNERS, LLC (Voluntary Design Review @ Square 4208, Lot 831 (1800 Hamlin Street, N.E.) Notice of Filing