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DC Office of Zoning
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Register Roundup - 03/10/2023

Friday, March 10, 2023

Register Roundup, weekly update on zoning matters published in the DC Register

BZA Public Meeting Notice

Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Wednesday, April 5, 2023 - (Virtual Meeting via WebEx) Notice of Filing

ZC Notice of Filing

Case (Link) Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 15-27G 350 Morse CPK Owner C2, LLC - Modification of Significance to 1st and 2nd-Stage PUD @ Square 3857, Lot 834 Notice of Filing
Case No. 23-05 775 Holdings LLC – Map Amendment @ Square 890, Lot 69 Notice of Filing

ZC Notice of Public Hearing

Case (Link) Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 19-31A Office of Planning – Text Amendment to Subtitle B § 100 to Define Youth Residential Care Home Notice of Filing
Case No. 22-30 Office of Planning Zoning Map Amendment from the R-3 zone and PDR-1 zone to the MU-7B at Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue and 13th Street, SE (Square 5600, Lot 17; Square 5601, Lots 860, 862, part of 865; Parcel 224/31; and Part of 13th Street, SE right-of-way Notice of Filing
Case No. 23-01 Office of Planning – Text Amendment to Subtitle B § 200 to add “dormitories” to the listed examples of Residential uses and delete “education” from the list of exceptions to Residential uses Notice of Filing
Case No. 23-01 Rescheduled - Howard University – Application to Permit Interim University Use of 1901-1911 5th Street, N.W. in Square 3090, Lot 41 Notice of Filing