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DC Office of Zoning
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Register Roundup - 10/21/2022

Friday, October 21, 2022

Register Roundup

Zoning Commission Notice of Public Hearing

Case (Link) Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 13-05E FC Ballpark, LLC (Modification of Significance to an Approved First-Stage PUD and a Second-Stage PUD @ Lots 807-813 in Square 744-S and Lots 805, 808 and 809 in Square 744 SS Notice of Filing
Case No. 22-12 Mid-Atlantic Neighborhood Development Corporation – Map Amendment from MU-3A to MU-7A @ Square 2819, Lots 810, 811, 812, & 813 Notice of Filing

Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaking & Order

Case (Link) Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 19-31 Office of Planning (Text Amendments to Subtitles B, H, K, & U (Community Based Residential Uses) Notice of Filing

Zoning Commission Order

Case (Link) Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 16-13I MED Developers, LLC (One-Year Time Extension for PUD @ Square 748, Lot 82) Notice of Filing