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DC Office of Zoning
Welcome to the Office of Zoning

Register Roundup - 11/30/2023

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Register Roundup, a weekly update on zoning matters published in the DC Register

BZA Orders

Case Link Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case 20843 Christian Genetski and Anabel Genetski, - ANC 3D Notice of Filing
Case 20967 Salvation Arts, LLC, - ANC 6A Notice of Filing
Case 20978 2626 Penn, LLC, - ANC 2A Notice of Filing
Case 20988 Himmelfarb Properties, Inc., - ANC 4C Notice of Filing

BZA Notice of Public Hearing

Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 - (Virtual Hearing via WebEx) Notice of Filing
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - (Virtual Hearing via WebEx) Notice of Filing
(Revised) Wednesday, January 17, 2024 - (Virtual Hearing via WebEx) Notice of Filing

ZC Orders

Case Link Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case 20-31B American University (Further Processing Application of the 2021 Campus Plan for the Construction of the Alan and Amy Meltzer Center for Athletic Performance and Sports Center Annex @ Square 1600, Lots 801 & 816) Notice of Filing
Case 22-32 1232 Shift Cubed Partners, LLC (Consolidated Planned Unit Development and Related Zoning Map Amendment @ Square 772, Lot 17) Notice of Filing